ホーム > ちりめん細工とは

ちりめん細工とは - What is Chirimen Crafts?

その歴史 - History





その変遷 - Transition

明治時代に入ると、ちりめん細工は女学生の教材として取り上げられ、女学生達は、『女学裁縫教授書 ( 明治27年 ) 』『裁縫おさいくもの(明治42年)』『続裁縫おさいくもの(明治45年)』などを教科書として、意匠をこらした作品づくりを競い合いました。



再興と普及活動 - Revitalization and Dissemination Activities





Chirimen is a silk fabric with a smooth, bumpy texture that has been a beloved material used in Japanese kimonos for ages. In the latter half of the Edo period, women of the aristocracy and samurai families as well as women from prosperous merchant families took scraps of the material leftover from kimono making and used them to create beautiful purses and small pouches. These small bags and pouches, which take on the shape of dolls, animals, and flowers, are known as chirimen crafts.
Chirimen crafts was one of the ways for Japanese women to show how educated and cultured they were as it requires heart to value leftover fabric, sense of beauty, and hand dexterity.


During the Meiji period, chirimen crafts were taught to school girls, who used sewing craft books“Saihou Osaiku Mono” (1909) and “Zokusaihou Osaiku Mono” (1912) a textbooks and competed to see who could create the most elaborately designed pieces. It appears that the pouches shaped like flowers and animals were used to store incense and koto plectrums, while the toy and doll pouches were used as protective charms for children.

Revitalization and Dissemination Activities

After being passed down this way through the years, the Chirimen craft was forgotten in the wake of World War Two, which altered the way many people lived including the westernization of clothing. The Japan Toy Museum took notice of the amazing history of Chirimen crafts and has been collecting old pieces and documentation on the art since 1986. One of our undertakings is to revive and popularize this craft through our exhibits and classes.

The permanent exhibition of the museum introduces the world of Japanese traditional handicrafts. It includes both the old Chirimen crafts from the Edo period through the Meiji and Taisho periods and the crafts that have been made in our building from our revival efforts, which are from the Heisei period (1989 to 2019). Moreover, they are displayed by seasons. We hope the exhibition communicates the warm sense of aesthetics and needlework that has been cultivated and passed down by the women of Japan.